Unlock your potential with REDA Pay!

Imagine you're spending countless hours each month manually processing payments, reconciling bank statements, and dealing with the inevitable errors that come with a fragmented system. Sound familiar?

Ready to unleash the power of automation?

Please fill in your business information to access our ROI calculator and discover how REDA Pay can transform your business. 

This ROI calculator demonstrates the potential cost savings achievable by implementing REDA Pay and having your Salesforce CRM interact with accounting, and banking systems in an automated environment - thus eliminating mundane tasks and streamline processes.

Provide estimated inbound and outbound payments per calendar month for the calculator to estimate ROI on streamlining accounting and banking operations through automated interactions with CRM.

*Estimated number of inbound payments per month

*Estimated number of outbound payments Per month

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Calculated man-hours for accounting bookkeeping



Estimated time to reconcile bank statements (deposits and payouts)



Estimated cost of human error, delays and accounting mistakes

$65 /hour

Average net man-hour cost to business

Total estimated overhead cost
with manual banking operations



Estimated Net Benefits with



Estimated Net ROI with REDA Pay


year on year

Considerations and assumptions for the calculations below:

Your tech stack for CRM, Banking and Accounting is not integrated.

Inbound and outbound payments are manually entered into your accounting application.

Additional benefits over ROI

Consider not only small businesses but also large enterprises with significant transaction volumes. In such cases, the amount of manual work increases substantially, raising the risks of errors and security vulnerabilities. The sheer volume of transactions requires a strong emphasis on operational efficiency and accuracy to minimize risks and maintain seamless financial operations.
Eliminating Mundane Tasks

REDA Pay automates all mundane and repetitive tasks, allowing your employees to focus on more critical responsibilities and maximize their productivity.

Scalable Operations

Easily manage multiple bank accounts and companies from one platform, empowering you to explore new business opportunities and scale your operations efficiently.

Security & Compliance

Security and compliance are integrated at every level, including risk monitoring, analysis, detection, and transaction flagging. Safeguard your data and reduce the risk of fraud effectively.

Data Visibility & Analytics

Generate insightful data visualizations and dashboards using report data. Access up-to-date reports that deliver the latest information for informed analysis and decision-making.

REDA Pay: Not an option but need of industries

REDA Pay is versatile and suited for businesses of all sizes and industries. Its unparalleled customizationcapabilities can effectively structure and streamline company finances.


Monthly transactions less than500

Less ROI

Automate processes to minimize errors and boost efficiency, thereby creating greater scalability opportunities.

Mid-size companies

Monthly transactions 500 to 5000

ROI up to 500%

Save money for growth investments and eliminate mundane tasks to achieve higher productivity.

Large companies

Monthly transactions 5000+

ROI more than 500%

Improves savings significantly while offering enhanced control for ensuring data and financial security, and enhances customer experience through branded payment links and portals.

Comprehensive banking automation, not just a payment solution!

The all-in-one solution for seamless and automated banking operations on Salesforce, covering everything from A to Z.
Traditional Solutions 

On Salesforce app-exchange

Inbound Payments
Manual payments | Schedule payments | Payment Links | Branded digital experience
Outbound Payments
Account payables banking automation to pay suppliers, vendor or for subscriptions.  
EMD (Earnest Money Deposits)
Dedicated secured payments rails to capture deposit made by a buyer to show earnest of good faith.
Flexible Funds Routing
Allowing users to auto direct inbound and outbound payments to different bank accounts or companies.
Deposits - Transaction Reconciliation
Seamless deposit reconciliations by capturing fund deposits with detailed transactions data.
Payouts  - Transaction Reconciliation
Powerful automation to reconcile payouts, refunds and any outbound payments with detailed transactions data.
Robust Transaction Fees Management & Routing
Powerful control on managing custom convenience fees, fees pass through, fees routing and deposits.
Powerful Transaction Controls
Ultimate controls at multiple levels including allowed pay methods, fees and stop payments.
Transaction - Dispute Management
Seamless integrated payment dispute management, tracking and resolution.

You are in good company!

Trusted by businesses, loved by people!
Seamless Transition with Top-Notch Security

"Before we implemented REDA Pay, our team was constantly struggling with visibility and the tedious task of reconciling thousands of transactions every month. We wasted countless hours on manual data entry and tracking down transaction audit trails on the processor side. But ever since we started using REDA Pay, everything has changed. We're now fully compliant, and we have clear transaction trails directly in Salesforce. Plus, our cash flow has improved dramatically with settlements happening three times faster. We've even received positive feedback from tenants about their experience. I highly recommend REDA Pay!"

Daisy Black
Director Property Management
Game Changer

REDA Pay has given my organization the flexibility to continue our growth and scale while enhancing the user interface and experience. Implementation and support have been white-glove and highly recommended if you are experiencing growing pains with a current payment processor. Great product!

Michael Wolfel
Worth Every Penny

We recently transitioned from our last payment handler tool to the RedaPay payment tool in salesforce in our organization and we couldn't be more happier than using this.
The best part was that the transition was smooth and we rarely have any major issues with payments in/out from Salesforce. We do not encounter any major bugs and any add-on implications requested are done within hours so the after-service of RedaPay is commendable. While the product is good and the service is amazing we assumed that it would be heavy on our pocket but this is truly under our budget. Thanks from a happy customer.

Rahul Rawat
Salesforce Developer,
REDA adds value to your org

REDA has a wonderful team that we've worked with for 6+ years. Our previous payment processing system had many challenges and we've moved to this pay app in the last quarter. The transition has been one of the smoother experiences during our with Salesforce. Encourage any business exploring a new payment processing system to consider this pay app.

Adam Eiseman
Chief Executive Officer

Banking and accounting {automation} for Salesforce

Banking powered by


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Ready to unlock efficiencies, eliminate redundancies, and enhance compliance!

Ready to ignite your financial journey with blazing speed? Choose REDA Pay for lightning-fast transactions and a seamlessly elevated experience.